If you have a venue available to hang approx. 100 of Chris Dilger (aka Captain Colourblind)'s pictures please contact him at this email address All money raised will go to Harlington Hospice.
Chris's story......
When the consultant told me that my cancer had spread and there was nothing( from a medical point of view) that they could do about it, l was kinda super frightened.Palliative nurses were coming to my home telling me that l should be thinking about " end of life" care and it was one of those nurses who told me about my local hospice.lt took me a while to get my head around it all and then one day( out of sheer desperation) l just picked up my phone and called the hospice.For the past few weeks now the staff from the hospice have been visiting me at my home and giving me alternative therapies.it really has helped me no end and l just want to give them something back.l am not a rich person.l am on sickness benefit so money is limited.What l do have though is lots of unusual works of art.For the past 20 years or so l have been doodling, painting and making models.l would like to donate all this art to Harlington Hospice but in order for them to benefit from this we would need to find a venue where we could hopefully sell it all.The higher profile venue the better.Every penny that we can raise will go to the hospice so that they can continue to help others like myself who are in need of" end of life "care. If you feel that you could help us in any way whatsoever then please don't hesitate to contact me or one of the staff at Harlington Hospice.
Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing work or would like a quotation for other work.
Cyclists, no turns left!
Unusual clocks
Clock is 6" tall
The alter ego of Captain Colourblind with one of his handbag designs
Unusual business cards
How is the campaign going Chris?